Greetings, Guest |
Current Nova Crystal exchange rate: 246,120 : 1  |
Year 26 Day 76, 17:10:33 CGT
Natunda, Selona 5 |
 Vote for us at SWC Topsites
Year 11 Day 232
- Introduction of the Value Variation feature for testing purposes. Special Thanks to Lilith Delcroix for the images!
Year 10 Day 200
- Desctiption updates now correctly display linebreaks.
Year 9 Day 285
- User's listings now have Sale/Auction/Silent Auction[/Production Listing] filters.
Year 9 Day 256
- Added more information to profile pages of users on the thieves/scammers list.
Year 9 Day 249
- Facilities display an icon in their information box if they produce income.
Year 9 Day 240
- Listings now show how many users have it on their watchlist.
- Fixed an error where your feedback % wasn't shown correctly in the right-hand menu (thanks to Todor Ginchev).
Year 9 Day 239
- Added watchlist images (thanks to Azarin Isard).
Year 9 Day 228
- Watching listings is now implemented. You can currently watch up to 20 listings (will be changeable in the future).
Year 9 Day 225
- Moved "Add Listing" link to the right-hand personal menu.
Year 9 Day 224
- Implemenation of ToTos, the Centrepoint Marketplace's reward programme. At this time, only one way to earn them is implemented: leaving feedback.
- Personal Stats block added to left-hand menu.
Year 9 Day 191
- Feedbacks on profile pages are now linking to the listing they relate to.
Year 9 Day 172
- Production Listings:
- Available only to faction accounts.
- Allows factions to create one listing that automatically relists itself up to 99 times.
- Allows buyers to buy the same listing multiple times at once.
- Users with "Can Sell" access to the faction account can renew the listing when or before it has run out of stock.
- Special thanks to Ryan Roche for creating the "Production Listing" and "Recently Sold" icons.
Year 9 Day 170
- Personal Menu moved to the right-hand side.
Year 9 Day 52
- Features:
- "Go to Listing" box added above the advertisement. By entering a listingID, you can go directly to that listing.
Year 9 Day 38
- Features:
- NPCs now have a fold-out menu for the subtypes.
Year 9 Day 35
- Features:
- All Entities have their Data infofields re-enabled.
Year 9 Day 34
- Features:
- 3 more skins to chose from (CSS, Mining, Database).
Year 9 Day 25
- Features:
- Entity Data is available again for Ships.
- Layout changed slightly: Entity Data and Price Data is now always available next to the entity in the listing overview.
Year 9 Day 1
- Bugfixes:
- On New Year's Eve, the date will now show correctly and not as day 0 of the following year.
- Fixed a bug that allowed people to buy an already bought listing.
Year 8 Day 362
- Changed "New Listings" page to show listings added within the last 24 hours.
Year 8 Day 356
- Fixed a bug preventing high-priced listings from being posted.
- Fixed a bug counting removed feedback to the trade statistics.
Year 8 Day 353
- Added "New Listings" page, which shows all listings added since your last login (> 1 hour).
Year 8 Day 348
- Added an event when you are outbid in an auction.
- Added "First" and "Last" navigation links for regular listing browsing.
- Minimum Increments are now enforced.
Year 8 Day 338
- Rules upaded to disallow listing entities with a 0 credit (or other ridiculous) price.
- Add Listing script added to enforce above rule.
Year 8 Day 337
- Addition of the changelog (this page).
- Update to the trading stats system to reduce server load.
- mouseover stats are now loaded using ajax.
- profile view now only shows the last 40 feedbacks of each type (positive/neutral/negative).
Before Year 8 Day 337
- Redesign of the Centrepoint Marketplace.
- Multi-entity listings.
- New system to calculate trading value.
- only listings with positive feedback for you are now counted.
- Change of faction account system.
- Faction accounts can not be used to log in anymore.
- Faction leader has administrative access to the faction account and can give other users access to the account.
- Users with access to a faction account can select whether to buy/sell for the faction or for themselves.
- Tips for new and existing features are displayed on top of most pages.
- Updates to the administrative menu.
- Addition of universal thieves/middlemen lists.
- Addition of basic FAQ.
I would like to thank the follownig people for their donations.
- Ashura Harma
- Sol Mazer
- Zimbabwe Suluclac
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