Centrepoint Space Station
Centrepoint Mining
Centrepoint Healthcare
Centrepoint Database
Greetings, Guest Current Nova Crystal exchange rate: 246,120 : 1 Year 25 Day 243, 23:41:13 CGT
Katunda, Melona 22

Frequently Asked Questions

To search the FAQ, please use your browser's search function (Ctrl + F or equivalent key combination).

Login Questions | General Questions | Personal Account Questions | Faction Account Questions | Listing Questions | Subscription Questions | ToTo Questions | Advertising Questions | Penalty and Ban Questions

Login Questions
  • I have forgotten my password
  • I can't get a new password since I have forgotten which email address I used to sign up.
  • I can't login (Error: You specified an incorrect handle or password.)
  • I enter handle and password correctly, but I still can't log in

General Questions
  • Why don't my buys/sales count to my trade value?
  • Why don't the listings/menus/tables line up correctly?
  • Why am I on the thieves list?
  • Why isn't all my feedback shown?
  • I cannot register. It keeps telling me that I am banned or dead.

Personal Account Questions
  • I have not received my password after registering. What should I do?
  • What is my handle for the Centrepoint Marketplace?
  • I have received a penalty, can that penalty be removed?

Faction Account Questions
  • How does faction account access work?
  • How do I buy a listing for my faction?
  • How do I get access to my faction's account?

Listing Questions
  • How can I add an auction?
  • How can I turn off the anti-sniping feature?
  • How can I add location informatin to my listing?

Subscription Questions
  • What are Subscriptions?
  • How do I buy a Subscription?

ToTo Questions
  • What are ToTos?
  • What can I do with ToTos?
  • How can I buy ToTos?

Advertising Questions
  • What advertising options are there?
  • How do I advertise in the right-hand menu?
  • How do I advertise in the sponsoring ads?

Penalty and Ban Questions
  • My ban time is over, when will I be unbanned?
  • Does the penalty system remove previous rules on banning?

Centrepoint Space Station
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