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Current Nova Crystal exchange rate: 246,120 : 1  |
Year 26 Day 76, 17:12:47 CGT
Natunda, Selona 5 |
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The automatic registration process is currently offline.
To create a new account, please send a Darkness Message (in-game message) to Togan Jano stating your email address and that you want to register a new account for yourself.
- Notice: Comcast seems to block emails from @centrepointstation.com so please use a different email address or you will not be able to receive your password!
- Please also make sure to read and understand the rules. If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask a moderator. By sending the Darkness Message, you agree to those rules. Failure to comply will result in punishment up to temporary or permanent bans from this marketplace.
- Once the account has been created, you will receive an email from no-reply@centrepointstation.com that contains your initial password. Please make sure your spam settings allow that email to pass through.
- If you haven't received an email with your initial password after 48 hours, please use the Lost Password feature and check your spam folder.
- Follow these instructions! Quoting them (instead of following them) in your DM will automatically waive your claim to the initial 10 free ToTos.
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